Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Strawberry Syrup

You know how I told you my children love chocolate syrup?  Well we also have a love affair with strawberry syrup too.  Today I had some strawberries displaced after a Costco trip and so I was finally ready to commit to making my own strawberry syrup rather than buying a certain rabbit's syrup.  Again my syrup does not contain High Fructose Corn Syrup unlike Mr. Bunny's syrup.  This syrup, like the chocolate syrup, is three ingredients and a little more effort.

 Strawberry syrup is a perfect companion to milk, pancakes, waffles, lots of food.

 Ingredients for this recipe are: 2 cups fresh or frozen strawberries (I used frozen), 1 cup sugar,
and 1 cup water.

 Add all ingredients to small saucepan and turn burner to medium.  Bring to boil.

 Using an immersion blender blend the syrup until the strawberries are completely pureed.
Strain strawberry puree through fine mesh sieve into a pint size mason jar.

 Now you have strawberry syrup.

Add 2-3 tablespoons to milk.


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